Help him rape the mermaid

From Create Your Own Story

You smile back at the Shark Man and waddle out to pin the mermaid's arms behind her back.

When she realizes she's being accosted by two people she stops resisting.

Instead she talks to you. "You're a silly little thing. Don't you know he will just impregnate us both?"

"After he's eaten all those eggs of yours," she adds, grimacing as the Shark Man cock pistons into her.

"What do you know, you slut?" the Shark Man interjects, slapping the mermaid over her large breasts. "For what you know, I might have you for lunch, you silly maid!"

"I think he'll eat us both. Help me get free instead, and I'll reward you," the mermaid says, looking back at you.

What do you do:

Health Horny and Hormonal and Very Pregnant Location:

Ocean Floor

MP 0
Level 1
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