Hear Big Willy's offer

From Create Your Own Story

"What kind of 'group event' are we talking about? I don't do drunk parties. How many are we talking about?"

"around a hundred"

"all Male?"

"of course"

"the football team...." you guess

"you are a smart gal"

"I suppose I could do that. When do you plan on it?"

"after the next home game, in the showers"

"coaches and any prying eyes going to be away?"

"you bet"

"than I'm in"

"Great. I'll gather the troops, what are we buying by the way?"

Bukkake: $20 a go

Blow jobs: $50 each

Fuck for $100 a pop

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Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Female
Social Group Nerd
Boyfriend/Girlfriend Big Willy(ex)
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