Head to the nearest manhole and attempt to go home through the sewers

From Create Your Own Story

You glance up and down the alley, but don't see any manholes leading to the sewers. You then creep to the end of the alley, and furtively stick your head out. There are some people nearby, but none looking your way. You spot a manhole cover just up the street.

You gauge the distance, and take a few deep breaths. After steeling yourself, you take off, your bare soles slapping painfully against the concrete, your exposed tits flopping wildly. No one spots you until you hit the manhole. As you're frantically trying to pry it up, you hear several cries of shock, and a catcall or two, but no one moves your way.

Adrenalin fuels your strength, and you yank the manhole cover up with a grunt, then mount the ladder as fast as you can. You pause just long enough to replace the cover, then feel your way down into the depths of the sewers.

Its quite dark, but, after a few moments, your eyes adjust, and you find you can see, if not well. You're standing on a narrow ledge, with raw sewage flowing by, just inches away. The smell is overpowering, and you bite down on your gag reflex. It doesn't help that the ledge is slick and slimy beneath your bare soles. You don't really want to know what you're standing in.

Despite the smell, and the pains of your rape, you're still horny. Standing there, exposed, and drenched in cum, has your pussy steaming, and you can feel your vaginal muscles quivering in anticipation.

From your best guess, home is off to your left. Or, you could head right, and see where you come out.

You can also see the outline of what appears to be a crate floating in the sewage.

Do you:

Health Horny, Hormonal, and very sore Location:

The Sewers

MP 0
Level 1
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