Harry obediently tells Dudley about Ginny

From Create Your Own Story

Harry said. "They do have a daughter. Her name is Ginny. At my school the guys thinks she is the most attractive."

Dudley smile. "What is your opinion on her, cumdump?" He strides over to Harry towering over him. Dudley hands went down to Harry flat stomach to rub gently.

Harry gulps not wanting to tell Dudley but he did. "Ginny is heavenly. Her beauty is the one thing most guys care about. But I loves her fun personality, her sassy, and her way of being a good friend."

Dudley grin wider. "Seem like you have feeling for this dumb bimbo."

Harry eyes shift down from Dudley. Harry not wanting to hear Dudley degrades his friend sister. But he stood there knowing to not to pick a fight with his bullying cousin. His hands clenching in angry.

Dudley ask while yanking Harry head up to face him. "Do you have feelings, Harry, for the stupid red headed witch?"

Harry responds...

"Yes sir."

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