HH: Put this bitch in her place

From Create Your Own Story

You had tried to be nice to this woman, you felt bad for the freak. Obviously this stuff meant something to her based on how hard she had worked on her creepy fucking costume. But no she was gonna lecture YOU? You felt your face get hot and you just yelled at her "None of this stuff is real, you fucking freak. Why do you care so much? Why don't you try to make some real friends instead of dressing up like the girl from the fucking Ring and acting like you are better than everyone." You said. Peter began laughing again and a couple other people were laughing now too.

The woman cracked a thin, cold smile and said "Well then, I'll take my leave of you." And with that she glided out of the room. Johnny came up to you after and said "What the fuck was that about." Peter burst back into laughter and you, he and Johnny began making fun of the woman in black. After a while you began to feel a little lightheaded though and excused yourself to the bathroom. Locking the door behind you you looked in the mirror and realized your vision was blurring. Feeling faint, you felt yourself slipping to the ground, landing painfully on the tile floor. You had a slight ringing in your head even as you began to lose consciousness.

You woke up a start and staggered to your feet. You looked in the mirror at your reflection, same as always. The ringing in your head intensified. You closed your eyes hoping to make it go away. When you reopened them and looked in the mirror you jumped and screamed as you saw a figure behind you in your reflection.

You turned and saw the witch but this time she looked like a more beautiful, yet still haunting, version of herself. Her skin was so pale but shined like silver, her black gown and shall were not wisps of silk floating about her as if on the wind. It was both disturbing and mesmerizing.

"What the fuck!" You said, which made her smile.

"After years of persecution it is time this town reckons with what it has done to my kind. Mortals take All Hallows' Eve and defile it with pageantry and indulgence while my kind, witches, were burned and tortured because of fear. Well for tonight I have transformed them into the costumes they don so they may fear and kill one another." She said.

"As for you, you not only mocked my people with your idiotic costume but you dared to not even show one ounce of humility to me. I cannot abide an insult of this caliber without responding directly." And with that she snapped her fingers and you burst into flame.

It was pain beyond imaging as your whole body burned, inside and out. You felt every moment of it as the witch watch you burn, a small, cold smile on her face.

You died on the floor, with nothing but ashes left of Quinn Hutchinson.


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