Grab his phone and flee so you can delete the evidence

From Create Your Own Story

Being a young teenage girl is tough!

While T is recovering from the massive orgasm you just gave him, you slip his phone out of his pants and tuck it into your handbag. Your top is ripped to the point of being useless, but you hastily put your skirt back on. As you start to move towards the door, T calls out, "Hey, girlie! I ain't done yet!"

You ignore him and move, very fast, towards the door. In a matter of seconds you bolt outside, topless and with only your skirt and your handbag. You get about 10 yards down the road before a car pulls up and the driver, a burly, busty black girl, jumps out. You recognize her as Kaliesha, the school's star discus thrower. Before you can react, Kaliesha locks her arms around you, opens the passenger door, shoves you inside her car, slams the door and locks it. While you're still trying to recover, she hops back in the driver's seat, buckles her seatbelt and zips off down the road. "Buckle up, Buckaroo" she says. "We're going to my place."

You buckle up and while she's driving, you delete the offending texts from both T's phone and your own. You finish and put both phones back in your handbag right as Kaliesha pulls her car into her garage. The garage door closes, leaving you in near-darkness. The only light sources are two bare bulbs at one end of the garage. "Thanks," you tell Kaliesha.

"If you don't want me to take that stolen phone to the cops, you can thank me by removing your skirt and getting in the back seat," Kaliesha husks. "I want to explore all of your body."

Requirements: This is a story about a young girl written in second person.

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