Good son: go to the party with the redhead Noelle

From Create Your Own Story

Noelle is overjoyed with your decision to go to the party with her.

Lilli and Jade not wanting to be left behind accompany you.

Just like Lilli and Jade predicted though the bouncer refuses to let you go inside. You are way too young to enter the club.

"Whatever!" Lilli says. "I don´t care about the kid! I´ll go inside!"

Lilli enters the club and Jade follows her.

"Sorry about that" Noelle says. "Screw them! I won´t leave you behind! Tell you what... let´s just go over to my house and hang out there!"

good son: follow Noelle

good son: try to sneak inside the club through a door in the back

go home and good son: go to sleep

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