Go work out at your usual gym and look for muscle-women to pick up

From Create Your Own Story

You pack your workout clothes-- a form-fitting Spandex outfit -- and head for the gym. You find your locker, change, and begin your routine.

Several men give you looks, but you're not interested in them. You keep your eyes peeled for strong ladies.

You spot one possibility as you are using the machine for leg lifts. A tall, muscular woman who looks about your age and has white, yellow, and purple hair -- the colors obviously came from a bottle.

You see another as you finish up by working your biceps. An Asian girl who looks like she's in her mid 20's. She's got a small frame, but she's very strong for her size.

You head back to the locker room as the other two ladies finish up and also stride that way.

You are possessing:
Blonde Lesbian Bodybuilder
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