Go with Courtney back to your class and start the sex lesson

From Create Your Own Story

You and Courtney walk back to class. They have no idea what just happened. Courtney addresses the class.

“Alright it seems like we have a problem. This class much bigger than that I was instructed to educate. I’m afraid we will have to split it in half. Those of you whom will have to leave will have this same lesson the next week. Sharon, can you be so kind as to read the names of those who have to leave?”

“Of course miss.” You ramble the names quickly. One by one the ugly students leave, leaving only the hot females and athletic males. “Alright here is how things will proceed. You whom have questions will raise your hand and state your name. Sharon will then hand you the word… So let’s get started then!” Courtney says casually and claps her hands together.

Four hands are in the air. One belongs to a blond guy in a football jersey. The second hand belongs to a somewhat short brown haired girl with a killer ass. The third hand is another guy, an Asian kid who practice Muy thai a lot and because of it always has a busted up face. The last hand belongs to a female students sitting far in the back of the classroom, she´s a very natural beauty.

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