Go stargazing with Kellie

From Create Your Own Story

"Stargazing, please," you tell Kellie.

"Sure," Kellie grins.

She drives you to the top of Makeout Hill, where a few other couples are already present. Maybe two of them are actually looking through telescopes. The rest of the couples are engaged in various degrees of intimate acts.

Kellie helps you get the blankets down and the two of you eat from the basket she brought, containing fried chicken, salad, apples, and drinks. You replace the basket in her car when you're finished.

You actually stargaze for around 20 minutes. Kellie knows a surprising amount about the night sky.

Eventually, she puts the telescope away. You are lying on top of a thick blanket and covered up by a couple of thinner ones. Kellie gives you a deep kiss, then whispers to you.

You are possessing:
12th Grade Boy
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