Go on your way

From Create Your Own Story

You say your goodbyes to your mother, and you can see the disappointment in her eyes when you don't want to stay. But hey, its your big day!

You leave and get to Professor Oak's lab without incident.

Inside, you see Professor Oak and Tracy Sketchit eating breakfast together, a Mr. Mime serving them. Professor Oak stands up, startled. "Jaden! I wasn't expecting you this early!"

"Sorry, Professor. I guess I'm just really excited!"

"Understandable. Come inside, let's get you on your way!"

The three of you walk into the back room, where a table stands in the middle. There are nine Poke Balls on the table top, stacked in columns of three.

"Here are the Bulbasaurs, the Charmanders, and the Squirtles. And here...well, never mind."

Choose Bulbasaur

Choose Charmander

Choose Squirtle

"Which should I pick, Professor?"

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