Go inside and get the witch's help

From Create Your Own Story

Miranda and Isabelle sit up and look down at you. "You know, we did come here for a reason." Isabelle says.

"Yeah, I know. But I was enjoying my time with you. I felt like I nearly lost you just moments ago, I kind of just want to stay here for a while."

"Come on, you big lug." Miranda says as she and Isabelle pull you to your feet. "We're not getting any younger just sitting here. We can enjoy each other's company when we get home."

With a sigh, you say, "I suppose."

After putting on your clothes, the three of you head inside, where the witch is patiently waiting for you. "You surprised me, orc." she says.

"Were you watching?" you ask.

"How could I not? I witnessed an event that has happened maybe twice in the history of the world. I saw not one, but two women willingly and lovingly embrace an orc, and you returned that love. I have to admit, the sight made me so hard, I masturbated to the three of you."

"Wait... hard? Do you... have a cock?" you ask.

She giggles. "All witches do. It's the source of our power. But that's not what you came here for, is it? What was it that you needed my help with?"

You take a deep breath, and say, "Is there a way to make them live as long as I do?"

The witch gets to her feet, and smiles as she cups your cheek. "Of course there is. And I shall give it to you, just to keep your love alive for centuries."

Your eyes and heart light up with joy. "Thank you."

"There is a catch, however." the witch continues. "Their lives will be bound to yours. If you get hurt, they get hurt. If you get sick, they get sick. If you die, they die. But, you will also share in each other's pleasure. They will no longer age physically, just as you don't. This will not effect the children inside them, nor any future children you wish to make. But I cannot stress the dangers of this spell. Many orcs do not live out the entirety of their years, and even fewer die of old age. The choice is yours."

Health Mated to Isabelle and Miranda, scared arms Equipment:

mana tracker, armor, sword

Experience high, human impregnator
HP 100
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