Go along with them, meekly.

From Create Your Own Story

The doberman and the second hyena both lift you up to your feet and shove you forward. Now resigned to your fate, you start trekking alongside the pack of boys, usually falling just a few feet behind the group before someone shoves you forward again. It's difficult to say just how long you're walking for, but from what you can tell, you arrive at the final destination somewhere around midnight, maybe one o'clock.

And what a destination it is. It's an old, run-down two-story house. Within it, though, is a more monstrous party than anything you've ever witnessed. The place is packed. Techno music blasts through the building, so loud it seems to make the ground rumble when the base drops. Empty or half-empty plastic cups dot the lawn and every flat surface. Furs are packed in every inch of the house, and even cover portions of the roof and the lawn and surrounding property. They come in every size and shape, male and female, but most seem to be young, late teens to early twenties, maybe. Most are scantily dressed; the most conservative wear underwear and maybe some shorts, and plenty are nude for all who care to see.

From what you can gather, this is a college party. Not an official one, but the students from the local university seem to have set up this old, abandoned house as a sort of all-rules-barred, anything-goes haven. The stars of the party seem to be the football players, most dressed in their pads and gear, as well as some helmets, but most lack anything more covering than a jockstrap down below. Almost every one you see has at least two girls swarming around him, and often a boy or two as well.

A large portion of the pack who blackmailed you into coming seem to dissipate into the party. Even the hyena leader leaves you to catch up with the closest gear-adorned jock. A couple still keep a tight grip on you, though, and they force you into the crowded party.

You're pushed through the first floor. Again, cups and drinks are balanced delicately on anything within reach. None seem to be fucking openly, but more than a few couples grind in the middle of the room. You're steered straight through, though, and forced down a step of stairs and into the basement.

Inside, you find what is effectively an orgy. The entire room is extremely dimly lit, illuminated only by a precariously swinging lightbulb from the ceiling. Several couches lay across the room, all occupied. Against one wall is a set of makeshift stocks, which appears to be your final destination. The men handling you force you to bend over and lock your head and arms into the structure, presenting your bare, freshly-lubed ass for anyone who cares to glance over.

Furry Status
Health 98 Equipment:


Gender Male
Species Lion
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