Give Macy her belated birthday gift

From Create Your Own Story

Your eyes immediately zone in on Macy's face. She looks more stunning than ever since you last saw her. It was last year during her summer break from her Swiss boarding school. She was only seventeen then and the sight of her in the bronze bikini has been on your mind for the last year.

"Happy birthday, Macy," you hand her the present wrapped in pretty silver paper. "I know it's a month late but I couldn't make it out to Europe last month to visit"

She has her mom's dark blonde hair while your stepmom's Asian ex-boyfriend and father to Macy blessed her with stunning slanted eyes gray eyes. Macy happily stands up, takes the present from you and gives you a warm hug. Her B cups press against your chest as she squeals in delight.

"It's never too late. I love presents!" she declares and gives you a soft kiss on the cheeks. You quickly and stealthily admire her long legs that her short plaid skirt shows offs.

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