Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 8c - Go for the flush

From Create Your Own Story

“I only need one card,” you say, dealing out the new cards.

Clare snatches up her cards and then displays them for you. “A pair of kings,” she says hopefully.

You look at the card you dealt to yourself and see another club. “I’ve got a flush,” you triumphantly declare. “Time for you to join Lin.”

“Whose idea was it to play this silly game,” Claire mutters. She lifts her butt off the ground and slides her panties down her legs. You get a view of the light brown hairs surrounding her pussy.

“I guess you won,” Claire says.

“I thought this plan would get us lots of cookie sales,” Lin says to Claire.

“Maybe we can keep playing and give you more chances?” you suggest hopefully.

“No way,” states Lin. “You’re either too good or too lucky,” Claire continues. “We should quit now.”

“Don’t I get any reward for winning?”

“Only this,” Claire says as she holds her arms out to her sides and slowly turns around. Lin follows Claire’s lead and also spins to show her body. Your eyes wander over their breasts, pussies, and buttocks, comparing Lin’s slender body with Claire’s full figure.

“Show’s over,” Claire announces as the girls gather their clothes back up and quickly slip into them. “I hope you had a good time. It certainly didn’t turn out the way we had hoped,” she says as they take their wagon of cookies and head out of your apartment.


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