Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 8b - Keep the pair of sevens

From Create Your Own Story

“Three for me,” you say. “See, Claire, the cards are still dry,” you say as you deal out the new cards. “Don’t let your own wet spot mess that up.”

“I won’t. I know how to keep my wet spot to myself.” Claire looks at her cards. “See, I’ve got three aces. You won’t be seeing anything from me.” Your new cards include a pair of nines, giving you two pair. “Maybe not, but I do have two pair.”

Lin has a glum look on her face. “I’ve only got a pair of queens,” she says quietly.

“Oh, Lin! I thought we had him.”

“You’ll have me soon enough, Claire,” you say.

Lin moves into a crouched position and slides her panties over her hips and down to her knees. She then quickly sits back down, pulling the panties off her legs and bending her knees back under her. You glimpsed a momentary view of the straight black hair crowning her pussy before Lin sat back down, hiding most of it from view.

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