Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 7d - Keep the four clubs

From Create Your Own Story

“One card for me,” you say, counting on your clubs to come through.

“I need three cards,” Lin says.

“Only one for me,” Claire says. You watch her breasts sway in front of you again as she deals out new cards to everyone. She quickly looks at her card, and a flash of disappointment crosses her face. But then she confidently lays down her hand. “Two pair for me!”

Lin also turns over her hand to reveal a pair of queens. “I’ve only got one pair,” she says quietly.

You look at your last card and see another club. “Sorry, Lin. I’ve got a flush.” We’ll, you’re not really sorry at all to see Lin take off her skirt.

Lin sighs. Tentatively, Lin reaches down to her waist and unclips the fastener on her skirt. Then she pulls it off, revealing a pair of plain white panties. She is still sitting with her knees together, so you can’t see much. Still, seeing Lin clad in nothing but her panties is quite a distracting sight.

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