Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 6c - Go for the flush

From Create Your Own Story

“One card is enough for me too,” you say. Lin deals each of you a single card. You look down at yours to see the queen of spades.

Claire peeks at her card saying, “No help. But I’ve got two pair already.” She flips over her hand to show queens and fours.

“Looks like I guessed wrong,” you say, turning over your worthless hand.

“Hurray!” Lin shouts, seeing Claire’s victory.

“One more step towards total victory,” Claire declares. “Off with your pants.”

“Well, here you go, girls,” you say as you stand up, undo your pants and slide them down. Your briefs don’t do much to conceal the bulge that has started to form inside. Claire looks openly at it, as if trying to judge your size. You even catch Lin stealing glances. “Watch out, Claire. Your time will come,” you promise.

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