Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 1 - Keep the four hearts

From Create Your Own Story

Fortune favors the bold, you think, as you toss the two of clubs. Claire and Lin each take three cards. You peek at the replacement card you are dealt and flip it over triumphantly: the queen of hearts! Claire and Lin look at your flush then at each other. You can tell that neither of them can beat your hand.

In unison, Claire and Lin both lay their hands down. Both have a pair but Claire’s sevens beat Lin’s fours. You think you see Lin’s face go a little white when she realizes that she’s lost.

“Don’t worry, Lin,” Claire says to her. “We’ll get him next time.”

“But…” Lin stammers. “I’m not…” You’d guessed that Lin isn’t wearing anything under her blouse.

“It’s okay,” Claire says.

“Easy for you to say,” Lin retorts. “You’ve still got all your clothes on.” She looks back down at the cards and then gives a sigh. Her hands move to the buttons on her blouse and she quietly slips it off her body. Her hands move around front, trying to cover up her petite tits.

You try not to stare and as you gather the cards up for the next hand, Lin seems to relax slightly.

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