Girl Scout Cookies/Hand 10 - Keep the pair of nines

From Create Your Own Story

“I’ll take three cards,” you say.

“Three for me as well,” Lin says nervously.

“I only need one,” Claire declares.

You look at your new cards as soon as Claire deals them to you. You are very happy to see another nine among them. “Three of a kind,” you say. “Looks like my luck might be holding.”

“Don’t count your victory yet,” Claire says. “I drew my flush!”

“Sorry,” Lin says towards Claire. “I’ve only got a pair of kings.”

“Don’t be sorry,” you say to Lin. You move over next to her and see that she seems to be trembling slightly. You take your hands in yours saying, “Don’t worry. It’s okay.” You slowly massage her hands until she relaxes. “Ready?” you ask her. Lin nods.

You let your hands move gently up and down her arms. Her muscles relax further as your fingers slide over her soft skin. You place your hands on her thin shoulders, massaging away her tension. You continue kneading the muscles in her shoulders until you see Lin’s hands relax enough to drop away to the sides of her body, exposing her breasts to your view.

“You’re so beautiful,” you say to her as you slide one of your hands down to cup her breast. Lin gasps as your hand surrounds her petite mound. Your fingers slide around the edges while your palm compresses the soft tissue. You feel her hard nipple against the middle of your hand and allow your fingers to slowly converge, grasping and rolling the nipple between your fingers.

You move your other hand down to enclose her other breast. As your hands swirl around the surface of her breasts, Lin’s breath quickens. She is leaning forward into your grasp, increasing the pressure your hands put on her breasts.

Supporting her body with one hand, you slide the other down from her breast, across her belly-button, and down to her pubic hair. You run your fingers through the hair, finding it coarser than the hair on her head, but covering skin which is very soft. Lin squirms against you as you try to slide a finger between her closed legs. Even as Lin tries to deny your finger the access you want, you can feel a dampness and warmth as you find the top of her opening.

Sensing Lin’s resistance to your explorations, you decide to release her before you push her too far. “You have a wonderful body,” you tell her as you move back to your original position.

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