Girl Scout Camp/Try to undress Julie and Kate

From Create Your Own Story

You swim over to Joy and tell her quietly, “Don’t you think some people here are overdressed?” You gesture towards Julie and Kate.

Joy looks at them and then gets a wicked smile on her lips. “You naughty boy!” she mockingly scolds you. “Let’s go.” She swims over to Yuriko and Amy and whispers to them, then gestures towards Kate.

You float quietly up behind her. Her bikini top is held in place by two bow-ties. You grab one string in each hand and pull open the tie. Her top falls off her body into the water in front of her. Kate shrieks as she tries to cover herself. At that moment, Joy swims under the water and grabs hold of Kate’s suit bottom and pulls it down and off her legs.

You see Yuriko and Amy surround Julie. She does a good job of fending them off until Joy joins them and between the three of them, Julie is also divested of her swimsuit. “Now we’re all even,” Joy yells out.

Kate looks around at everyone and seems to realize how silly she’s being. She relaxes a little bit and then with a surge towards you, dunks you under the water. “That’s my payback!” she shouts as you sink down.

This begins a large free-for-all as everyone tries to splash, dunk, or otherwise harass everyone else. You get plenty of glimpses of the naked girls in between dodging their mischief. You even think you feel one of the girls cop of feel as they’re chasing you around.

Eventually, you decide that it’s getting too late so the group of you crawls out of the water, get dressed again, and head back down to the camp.

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