Girl Scout Camp/Help the blondes with their boat

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to avert a potential disaster. The same pair of blondes that had issues getting their tent put together seem to be having an inordinate about of trouble just untying the boat and getting the oars in place. Someone needs to help them out before they drown.

“Hi, girls,” you greet them. “Having a little trouble with your boat?” You remember that the one in pigtails is Anne while the other with her hair loose is Sandy. Both are wearing yellow bikinis which match the color of their hair almost perfectly.

“Um…” Anne stammers.

“Of course not,” Sandy says quickly. “It’s just that the knots are tied very tight.”

You ignore the obvious fabrication. “Would you like a guide to sail you around the lake?”

“Would you?” Anne quickly accepts.

“For a beautiful pair of twins, of course,” you smile.

Both of them immediately shout in unison, “We’re not twins!”

You untie the boat and toss in a backpack of supplies. The girls sit on the other end of the boat facing you as you row out into the lake.

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