Get out of this scrap yard and head back to town

From Create Your Own Story

Getting your witts about you once again an idea of heading back to town before that thing got back arrived in your head. You snatched your bag and took a look at the remains of the machine gun Garuc then started off quickly towards town with all of this still not affecting you yet. You finally arive at town and you stop by Willies Shop for a third time this day and spilled your guts about everything that happened, Willie had a type of doubt at first but it was quickly followed by assurance when you told him of the rotating gun on its side. Willie looks ove at you and says "I think you have unleashed something quite bad upon this land Clark, very bad. I know nothing of the machine itself, i do know alot about guns, This gun you speak of...did it fire as fast as it spinned?" You look at him confused and think back hard but finally say "Yes, and it rips whatever it shoots to pieces." Then Willie looks at a book he has behind his desk and reads heartfully, finlly saying "Yep, here we go..does it look like this?" He shows a drawn picture of what seemed to be a smaller version of what you have seen, you say "Yeah, it looked a little like this...but it had more pipes and it was much bigger." Willie looks at you and says "Bigger? Are you sure?" You nod your head and Willie seems confused again but says "You should go and get some rest wouldnt be good to go home and sleep next to a deceased man, even if its your father." So you decide to drop your bag and flop on a cot Willie pulls out and fall asleep. After what seemed like 9 seconds you here a loud crash outside that wakes you up..

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