Get on your bike and pedal to the park

From Create Your Own Story

You pedal over to the park. It's a nice day, and you pick out a grassy spot with the sun beating down pleasantly to do your homework in.

You finish up quickly and move to a bench. You settle on it and people watch. Some kids get up a futbol game. Others toss a Frisbee. Several couples pair off for cuddle/make-out sessions.

And eventually, two people are watching you. They wander over.

Larissa is a hefty redhead, and a fellow nerd. Edna is also a nerd, with the opposite body type -- skinny as a rail, with Coke-bottle glasses. They both, tentatively, say hello.

Status Bar
Health 100 Equipment:

Calculator,Backpack,notebooks and school books

Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Nerd
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