Get off Patra and punch Joe in the stomach

From Create Your Own Story

You hate to leave Patra's delightful pussy, but you can't fuck her properly with Joe standing there threatening you. You pull out, stand up and sock Joe in the stomach. The blow staggers Joe back a step, but it also hurts your hand. While you're standing there staring at your bruised knuckles, Joe recovers from your punch.

"My turn," he says.

You stiffen up, expecting a gut shot. Joe reaches lower. He grabs your crotch and squeezes hard, crushing your dick into meat paste. You fall to the floor, screaming in agony.

"Oh, Joe," Patra says. "You know how it disrupts the harmonics of the mansion when you hurt someone like that. Plus, I have to call for an ambulance and we need to get the blood scrubbed off the floor."

"Sorry," Joe murmurs.

You lie there, half insensible, and vaguely notice the blare of a siren. You're semi-aware of being loaded into an ambulance, but you don't really regain coherence until you wake up in a hospital bed. You immediately look to your crotch. Your penis is hidden beneath a thick layer of bandages.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your dick bandaged Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 2
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