Get back in the car and sort out what to do next

From Create Your Own Story

Completely giving up, you grab Melanie's hand and head back out to the car. Just as you unlock the doors, you hear the revving of an engine. Turning to look, you can see a large truck sitting at the edge of the lot as if it just pulled in. Hurriedly, you get Melanie into the car and shut the door behind her, and as you run around to jump in your side, the truck floors it.

You're inside just in time to take most of the blow as the truck rams you, skidding you across the lot before flipping you on it's roof. You're slammed around, and take lots of broken glass to the face and arms. You hang their bleeding, trying to regain your composure, as you hear the doors of the truck open and clothes. Looking out the broken window, you can see several men rushing to the car. One squats down and looks through at you.

"Well, if'n it doesn't suck to be you, boy," he says, before spitting chewing tobacco juice down the side of your face. "We's gonna leave you here to die, and take that pretty lil' girl of yours off to fuck and suck like a whore." Then he laughs, standing up, and swinging his boot inside to kick you in the temple. You hear Melanie scream as they drag her from the car before you drift off to unconscious dream land.

You awake a bit later to find yourself face to face with another man, his skin mottled with pulsing red blisters and open sores. He growls, bares his teeth, and then reaches inside the car and grabs your hair. You start screaming at him as he wrenches your head back to expose your neck, but your complaints are cut short as he draws a big hunting knife across your neck. You start drowning in your own blood as he keeps sawing at your neck, trying to take your head off. You die, painfully. Very very painfully.

At least you didn't live to see what he did to your head.

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