Fuck one of the girls (M/Slut)

From Create Your Own Story

Eh. Fuck it. You're horny, and quite honestly, you've become an addict since you first started whoring yourself out. The urge can be too great, and pain from a boner feels like torture, so why not get it out of the way before you get to school. You move your hand over to the girl in your bed, nugging her softly to wake her up. She moans a little, probably tired from the action last night, but you try again to success.

"Mmmmm.... Morning." She says softly, rubbing her eyes as she wakes up. "How're you doin'?" She asks while yawning and stretching her arms out.

"Fine." You answer, rubbing your eyes as well. "I hate Monday's." You comment to her, looking over to the calendar. You were having so much fun over the weekend while your parents were out that it's a shame it had to end.

"Same here." She says back, stretching her... Well, back. "Time is it?"

"About 7:30... Quick fuck before we head to school?"

She thinks for a moment. ".... Eh, sure. Get some energy going." She says, moving over on top of you. She kisses your lips, and you return the favor with some light tongue action. She puts were hand down your waste to feel your member, not shocked to find it's still hard. "Oh, big boy wanna play still?"

"Big boy wanna little treat before you leave." You reply back with a silly comeback.

"What will it be?"

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Health 100 Equipment:
Status {{{Status}}}
Gender Male
Social Group Sluts
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