Freak out and demand to be changed back, you are an orc, and proud of it.

From Create Your Own Story

You can't believe what happened to you, so you get to your feet and look yourself over. Your body is unbelievably sexy, with curves to die for, and the most perfect breasts you've ever seen. If you were still a man, you'd fuck this body endlessly. But that’s the problem, this is your body now.

The witch then takes your cheek, and brings your gaze to her and says "There, now you're perfect. How do you like your new body?" she asks as she holds up a small mirror for you.

You gasp at how gorgeous you are now. You're even better looking than your mother. However, if there’s one thing bugs you more that you can’t “enjoy” this body the way you want, is that there’s no longer any indication that you are an orc, of the heritage that you are so proud of.

So what, you are now the most beautiful female you ever seem? You are unrecognizable as the one thing that you are most proud of, and this cannot be.

"What’s wrong, you don’t like my work?"

"It’s a gorgeous body, don’t get me wrong." You tried your best to not sound ungrateful or insulting. "But this… isn’t me, I am a proud orc, and you strip me off the thing that makes me who I am."

"So that’s the issue here?" The witch giggles as she turns to a cupboard and bring out a few bottles then walks back over to the large pot, and use the large cup to pour another load into it.

She then start to tip the contents of those bottles into the cup, some powder, some liquid, you don’t really recognized any of it.

"Done." She says as she walks back to you again "Here, this should fix your problem."

You take the cup, and quickly drink its contents. This time it tastes like some dried vegetables. Well, could be worse. Then the change comes.

Your body grown a size bigger. Though not much at all, maybe a feet. So does your muscles, you can feel your strength come back, even just a little bit. And most importantly your skin turns back to the familiar green. And inside your mouth two fangs elongates from the prefect woman teeth.

Your over all shape hasn’t changed though, neither does your sex. Though after hearing what the witch said, that’s as expected.

"Here, take a look."She says as she holds up that small mirror again.

You look into the mirror, and see that you are still gorgeous, maybe not as good as a moment ago, but this look now reflects your heritage. You think as you feel liquids travel down your legs.

"I take it, you are satisfied with the result this time?"

You quietly nod, and the witch licks her lips. "Good. Now, come with me." she says as she takes your hand and leads you through the small cabin.

She opens the back room door, leading to a bedroom. It's simple, like the rest of the cabin, but the bed is easily large enough for two, maybe three.

Health Horny, needing a mate, female recognizable orc Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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