Follow Aknamar's initiative, and go to sleep
From Create Your Own Story
Over the next few days, little happens. Though Aknamar spends limited time in his room, due to his duties as king, he pours his heart out to you every night. You hardly get a single word out before he falls asleep. He had his tailor expand your wardrobe significantly, with beautiful gowns and lavish jewelry. You had reservations about such luxuries, but when Aknamar insisted, you couldn't help but agree to it.
Surprisingly though, nothing sexual has happened between the two of you, despite your eagerness to fuck him. Even more surprising, though, is that the more time you spend with him, the less horny you seem to get, and it's replaced by another feeling. Like nothing you've ever felt before.
Roughly a week has passed since you first moved in, and today, Aknamar has something special in store for you. The two of you are sitting at a small table, drinking tea together, as per part of your daily routine.
"Do you enjoy dancing, Ronama?" Aknamar asks.
"Um, dancing? I... I've never tried. Why?"
"Well, I'm hosting a ball in the coming days. The king will be expected to have a dance with a woman of his choosing, as the highlight of the evening."
You blush, his words warming your heart. "And you want to dance with me?"
"I can think of no other."
Your heart races as to what this could possibly mean for you. Since you've been stuck in his room this past week, you get the feeling that few, if any, know about your presence here. Then again, you trust Aknamar implicitly.
Status | ||
Health | Female orc, named Ronama | Equipment:
fine blue gown, jewelry |
Experience | Virgin | |
HP | 100 |