Find an excuse to stay for a while so you can hit on Lacey

From Create Your Own Story

You leave the manager's office and go looking for Lacey. You are still wearing your new topless waitress uniform without panties as your red thong is the wrong color according to Ray. Walking around topless is very exciting, and you are starting to feel a bit randy. You are looking forward to your first full work day, and getting paid for spending a full eight hours with your tits out. Lacey, when you find her, is behind the bar counting bottles. She smiles when she sees you. "How did it go?"

"As you can probably guess from the fact that I'm now wearing a uniform, I got the job. I start at six o'clock tomorrow evening. I'm told you'll be training me."

Still smiling, Lacey says, "That's awesome news. You'll have fun here, and make good money. And I'll be happy to teach you what you need to know."

You checked the place before you went looking for Lacey. You know that it is nearly empty. The only customers are a group of three men in suits at a table near the stage, and two construction-worker types at at a table near the door. The employees in this place outnumber the customers at the moment. "So do you have the time to sit down with me and tell me a few things about the job?"

"Absolutely," Lacey says. She leads you over to a table near the back wall. She has you sit, then goes away and comes back a couple minutes later with two glasses of Sprite. She gives one to you and keeps one for herself. She slides into the chair across from you. "So, what do you want to know?"

You shrug, making the it look like an innocent gesture, but making sure Lacey sees the way it makes your breasts bounce. "Mostly, I'm interested in what the customers are like?"

"Most of them are pretty good," Lacey says. You think she definitely saw the way your breasts bounced when you shrugged, and you think she liked it. "This is a high-end place. They generally have money, and they aren't afraid to spend it. The right table can be worth a fortune." She pauses for a second. "And if you have the right looks and the right body, by which I mean big boobs and a booty, you'll do very well. You're really beautiful and you have wonderful boobs, so you should get very good tips."

Lacey's hands are resting on the table in front her. As she speaks, you run your fingers along the back of her hand.

You ask several questions about working there. As you do, you make sure to use all the flirting tricks you know: making eye contact, smiling, using as much physical contact as you think you can get away with. Finally, when you think the time is right, you say to Lacey, "It looks dead here. I doubt anyone will miss us if we slip off and enjoy each other's company for a while. How about it?"

What does Lacey say?:

You are: An 18-year-old woman with HH breasts, in a topless waitress uniform and sandals
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