FDH-Leave it, I gotta finish getting ready

From Create Your Own Story

You focus more on just getting cleaned up. Quickly finishing up you get out of the shower and begin to attempt to get dressed. You just grabbed your boxers, when your sister opens the door. She screams and covers her eyes as she sees you on full display. She quickly closes the door, apologising as she runs back to her room. You turn back to getting dressed. You feel the heat in your face from the embarrassment of your sister seeing you naked. You head back to your room, quickly knocking and yelling at your sister's door, telling her you finished, and she is good to go. When you arrive to your room, you sit on your bed and thin to the embarrassing situation. When you calm down enough, you think on what to do next. Your parents are both at work, like usual, so you begin to feel the slight hanger setting in of not eating breakfast yet. You also feel that you should talk to your sister about the event.

What do you do?

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