Dress and return Tina to where you found her, thanking her for the wonderful time

From Create Your Own Story

You dress, and Tina reluctantly gets back into her clothes. You scoop her into your arms and zoom back to where this all started, setting her gently on the ground. Then you sail up into the air and cruise around for a bit.

You fly at random for a few minutes, then decide to see what's going on and if you're needed. You look around with your Super-vision.

A gang of masked criminals have just entered a bank. The terrified teller is shaking. By their gestures you can see they want her to open the safe.

A gunman on the street below is in the process of carjacking a car belonging to a pretty redheaded woman. She's quivering with fear.

Health Horny & Super Location:

Up In The Air

MP 0
Level 5
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