Don't blame the roach for trying to escape the flooding you have caused; ignoring it to continue slowly easing yourself into the sludge

From Create Your Own Story

You watch with dismay as the cockroach quickly climbs your thigh and then you feel it scurrying over your sensitive nethers.

You can't believe this! You can't let go to swat away the cockroach or you'll fall, and so you curse under your breath and continue working your arm muscles to set you down properly.

The distraction is enormous but finally your toes find a solid surface that might just be the bottom. But your relief is quickly replaced with dismay as you feel the cockroach crawl in between your pussy lips! As you watch, your pussy betrays you by opening up like the proverbial flower. Despite yourself, you find the stimulation very exciting!

Several more cockroaches are criss-crossing the little island. You could probably let go now, but then you'd swamp their island and god knows where they would go.

But you're quickly running out of options. Your arms are getting tired. There is a filthy cockroach right at your box.

Do you:

Health Horny and Hormonal Location:

The Sewers

MP 0
Level 1
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