Decide that "Smutty Sex Romp" is by far the best thing to ever be thought of in the universe, and keep reading it until you die of thirst

From Create Your Own Story

Days pass, and for some reason nobody stops you from reading this book...

But you don't have a care in the world because you're still entranced by the book that is so perfect, God must have written it himself.

Somehow, you don't sleep, but you do get sleep deprived and hallucinate these wonderful stories out right in front of your eyes, only making the experience even better!

You're so focused on reading chapter after chapter that you don't notice that you are staving and thirsty. You don't notice that you are dying from thirst. You don't notice until you literally die from thirst.

The book slips out your hand and falls right into the sand. You try to pick it back up but your hand goes right through it, because you're a ghost.

At first you are upset that you can't read the book anymore, but that quickly passes when you remember you're a ghost! You can spy on anybody without being noticed. You're still horny... somehow... and need a way to stop this throbbing between your legs.

Where do you go?:

Health Dead but still horny and hormonal Location:

The Beach

MP 0
Level 1
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