Decide it's not rape if she can't say no...

From Create Your Own Story

Your stem twitches back into action, coating itself in a fluid designed to give Jessica a hot and cold sensation. This is the fluid that will end her mind, and her humanity. Another stem writhes along her leg silently towards its sleeping prey, slithering right between her ass cheeks. You know that Jessica can feel it in her dream. She can feel the icy sensation that it leaves on her skin and she can feel it plunge into her ass.

The sudden intrusion wakes her up with a gasp. She acts panicky for a few seconds then she becomes oddly sedate, as if something in her mind is telling her to just let it happen.

Your stem manages to go places in her body that should be physically impossible, including right up to her brain. The rootlets that you grow into her gray matter give you total control over her. Soon she falls back asleep, thanks to the blissful chemicals you unleash into her brain.

Jessica spends the rest of the day murmuring and moaning in her sleep, her eyelids fluttering in the throes of joy as your stem reprograms her brain and changes her being forever.

You lay her down in her bed. The woman who was formerly Jessica awakens the following morning.

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