D&D: You use the old school passageway into the sewer

From Create Your Own Story

You remember reading about an old passageway that runs beneath the school. Like the guard mentioned before, some years ago a few students summoned several monsters that escaped into the sewers through that passageway. You've never been there because it was forbidden for the students to enter it.

You head towards the stone structure. Even though you're technically not a student of the school anymore, you can't help but feel that the teachers would stop you if they saw you entering it.

Making sure no one spots you going in, you sneak towards the structure. At first glance it looks like a mausoleum, but less gloomy. The stone structure sticking out of the ground is white and well engraved.

To the side of the structure you spot a set of stairs heading down beneath the ground, which you head down while glancing about furtively for any witnesses to you decent. You are not sure what this dungeon like structure was used for but you know it connects to the sewer somewhere.

As you reach the bottom of the stairs, you enter a long hall. Its quiet down here and the braziers on the walls seem to be lighted by magic, basking the place with comforting golden light. You walk deeper in and reach a crossroad. Three paths are open in front of you. One straight ahead, one left and one right. You observe the symbols on the walls, trying to guess which path goes where.

The path straight ahead seems to lead to another staircase further ahead.

The path to your left seems to turn a bit farther ahead. The symbol on the wall seems to be some sort of a statue in a box.

The path to your left is shaped like a gear or a watermill wheel.

D&D: HFW: Go straight forward towards the staircase

D&D: HFW: Take the left path

D&D: HFW: Take the right path

D&D: HFW: Concentrate and remember what was in the book

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