D&D: They bring you down in the monster pen

From Create Your Own Story

You enter a room with your jailor. It is immense and looks like an arena. You notice the second half of the room is cut from the first by a massive port-cullis. As they pull you towards the room, the port-cullis is opened and you enter the second half of the room which looks like a huge animal pen with 3 massive iron crates. Something shakes amongst those crates and you hear all manner of bestial sound coming from them. You gulp and you look at your jailor and he just grin wickedly.

"It seems like you've been chosen to be our new breeder. I hope you enjoy." he said

Your eyes widen in fear and you look in the animal pen. In the middle of the room you see a series of chains hanging from the ceiling.

D&D: They chains you to in the pit

D&D: You try and negotiate with your jailor

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