D&D: The Crimson Dames: Skip to the treasure room

From Create Your Own Story

After their latest skirmishes into the mad magician's manor in the middle of the wood, The crimson Dames has found where the old man is keeping his riches. A large room locked with an intricate and thrice magically trapped lock. Nothing Jhino doesn't handle with a swift movement of her nimble finger.

Inside, the three woman steps inside into a treasure vault. Sadly, it is not all that full and but it still contains several bag of gold and riches. While they loot, Fandas has slipped into the room out of curiosity and has begun checking things around. He knows full well he doesn't get a share of the loot but that doesn't mean he shouldn't be allowed to look right ?

As he stroll around, he finds a small wooden box hidden with a scroll on it. As he takes the scroll to try and read it, Val suddenly reaches over and grab the box, tugging it away.

Val : Hey ! who said you could get your hands on this ?!

Fandas stumble backward but his hand doesn't let go of the scroll and it rips in half.

Fandas : I.. I was just looking around.

Val : No touching you know that.

Jhino : Great. now because of this idiot, we'l never know what was written on this.

Jhino examine the box and the shredded scroll. Fandas does as he usualy does when the girls get this cruel with him and simply stay quiet while looking pitiful.

He stays in his corner, eager not to get yelled again and watch the girl as they open the box. Inside is revealed three simple but nice looking leather collar with a small talisman on them. Jhino laugh and mention they're not gonna get sold for much so they might as well keep them.

The three agree and finish gathering the loot before leaving the manor, followed by their squire.

Later at the camp, the group is taking in their catch of the day. They have made a campfire in the woods and have begun counting their riches. When their done, they have a bit of premature celebration. Fandas doesn't feel like celebrating at all though and remains aside to get himself forgotten. The girls are rather mean to him on their usual behaviour and it tends to get worse when they are embolden by victory or booze.

That's when the girls gets to the small necklaces they found. Val propose this becomes a symbole of their company. They agree and opens up a bottle of wine they had kept. They pour themself a drink each and put on the small leather collar as they praise their own success.

And that is when things starts to get strange. The three start talking together but they are overly cheery. Fandas notices some of their conversation dosn't make sense.

Val seems to have stopped knowing how to count. Or maybe she is just drunk. Jhino who is usualy so sharp with her blade miss cutting herself three time before giving up. When Fandas goes over to ask Kalia, she just shrug.

Fandas : you don't think there's something wrong with them ?

Kalia : With who ?

Fandas : ... those two.

Kalia actually takes the time to look over to see who he's talking about.

Kalia : I'm sure everything's fine. Now go to bed, or else I'l hang you on...a tree or something.

Fandas is disbelieved but nods, not wanting to push the topic further. He hopes things get better in the morning. He can't help but notices that none of the girl took their usual round for the night watch.

D&D: The Crimson Dames: The morning after the girls put on the necklaces

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