D&D: Rush into the woods after them

From Create Your Own Story

Knowing it was just a scouting party you rush into the woods after them, if they warn the rest of their group they will return in greater numbers. After about an hour you are able to kill all three of them and make your way back to your camp. When you get back to the camp you find that most of it has been rummaged through and your guide is gone.

Out of what's left you are able to scavenge a tattered shirt and a piece of cloth you could wrap around your waist. You have your Fire Wand and were able to recover your elven boots and without your guide you can be a lot quieter if you need to. You scavenge what little food you have left and make for the tower in the distance.

By the time you arrive you are completely out of food and your waterskin is almost empty. A single door in the tower is slightly open, there's a small gathering of trees near the back of the tower and a mound of some sort off to the left.

Do you:

D&D: Go right in the front door

D&D: Check the trees to the back

D&D: Investigate the burial mound

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