D&D: Put the wand in the door

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to try sliding the wand into the slot on the door. Aligning the wand so that it points up toward the figure’s slit, it fits in perfectly. The wand glows briefly, and the door swings in toward the room. You step into the room and remove the wand, holding it up and at the ready as you look around. The imp flies in behind you, and soon the door swings shut, slamming behind you and trapping you in the room! As soon as it closes, the room comes alive! You see flames jump up in the middle of the room, while slits open in the wall. All around you seems to be movement and it’s hard to take it all in. Suddenly you hear a click, and as you turn you see two arrows fly from the slits in the wall towards you!

Raising the wand, you cast a quick spell, making the arrows shrink, and then vanish into nothingness before they can hit you. Meanwhile, the wall of fire begins sweeping towards you. As you turn to deal with the new problem, you’re suddenly thrown off balance as the sandals grow six inch heels. Stumbling for a moment, you’re able to regain your balance and send a jet of cold air into the wall of fire, extinguishing it before you become engulfed.

In place of the fire is a shining ball of light, which blinds you forcing you to look away. As you recoil from the light, the heat from the fire is transferred between your legs! Your pussy begins to burn in pleasure as a wave of lust and desire sweeps through you. Even shuddering in need you realize how every trap you disarm gets transferred to you somehow. The arrows became heels, the fire became lust. You wonder what will happen if you dispel the ball of light, but without the ability to see the next trap you don’t have much choice. Casting a spell of darkness at the light, it soon darkens and disappears, though as it does your hair transforms to a platinum blonde color. You blink your eyes, trying to restore your vision. You see swirling tornado coming towards you. The powerful gusts of wind makes your hair sweep and fly in your face, the short skirt rise up, exposing your ass and pussy to the imp while the heavy gust of wind slaps at your breasts, making them fall out of your top. Flourishing the wand, you condense and dispel the whirlwind, which simultaneously grows your platinum blonde hair down to your ass. You begin to run towards the door on the far side of the room before something else happens, though the six inch heels throw you off rhythm, making it slow work.

As you near the door, you hit an invisible force wall, the same time the ceiling on the opposite end of the room opens up, and a giant boulder rolls into the room, heading straight for you. With little time to react you quickly send a lightning bolt flying towards the boulder, shattering the rock. “Oh no…” Too late you begin to realize what the price of this spell will be. You feel the magic enveloping you and your breasts begin to throb. They soon begin to expand, growing several cup sizes and stretching the top out to accommodate them as your formerly large breasts become humungous globes.

The imp laughs uproariously at your plight, still stroking his cock as he looks down at your exposed tits, ass and pussy. Things seem to have quieted down for the moment, but you’re still blocked by the force wall.

D&D: Try and dispel the wall

D&D: More traps are sprung

D&D: The imp makes a move

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