D&D: Ignore the hands and attack him with distraction

From Create Your Own Story

Ignoring the hands fondling your boobs you step out into the open and prepare to blast him with a lightning bolt.

"Your feeble attempt to distract me will not work, I have a much stronger mind than you think" he said.

You finish casting the lightning bolt and just as you are about to throw it at him the hands massaging your breasts stop, one of them shoots up and covers your eyes and the other tweaks a nipple causing you to throw the lightning bolt to the side of the mage in front of you.

Your hands shoot up and try and remove the disembodied hand from your eyes, you don't see it but the mage looks at your wrists in recognition and grins.

"You know sweet tits, I'm rather glad you are here..... and I really like your bracelets". He then speaks a command word and your hands shoot behind your back till the bracelets click together near the small of your back, thrusting your big boobs forward.

"Yes, this is going to be a lot of fun" the disembodied hands then move back to your defenseless breasts and begin to massage them again.

You are fairly certain that he doesn't know that you know the release command word for the bracelets....

Do you:

D&D: Speak the release word and attack him

D&D: Let him think he's won and attack later

D&D: His buddies come into the hall to see what happened

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