D&D: HFF: Charge the foolish creatures with all your speed and fury

From Create Your Own Story

You dash towards the closest goblin, you body moving like a coiled spring being released. Before it has a moment to blink, your make contact knee-first into its jaw and you hear a sickening sound of crashing bones and teeth. Your cry of “Tempus” echoes in the woods, sending all nearby birds high into the open sky. Before your feet have even touched the ground, your axe whooshes in a wide swing and slashes another goblin on its cheek, narrowly missing its eye and cuts its ear in half. Every vein in your temple is pulsing hard, your vision zeroes in on your targets shutting off the rest of the world and your ears fill with the violent drumbeat in your heart. There is no time for thoughts and strategy; you have practiced these moves for so long that they became a second nature, every muscle attuned to this furious dance of death.

The little creatures are taken back by this display of rapid violence and anger but it holds them still for only a moment, their evil appetite for destruction combined with their primal need for sustenance, preferably at the expense of others, makes them regain their focus and attack from all sides. Their bodies are short and weak, their weapons crude and any move they make is void of any sense of training or skill at arms. Fighting, however, is part of their nature and upbringing and they have an aptitude for inflicting pain. Seeing an unarmed, young human female in their home turf has given them all the motivation they would need to attack. They swing their wooden arms with all the raw force they can muster while screaming and cursing all around you.

You swing and parry in every direction, faster than they can respond. They are trying to flank you as you expected, but they still can’t find any opening in your whirlwind of steel. You cut of a few fingers here, make a nasty gash on a chest there, never letting your feet stay in one spot for more than a second. A few of their clumsy attacks manage to graze your skin leaving shallow bloody marks, but you never gave any opening for an attack that could really threaten you. The world has become a blurry background of green and red, your senses only focusing on the movement of weapons, on fast breathing and faster footwork, on striking with force and deflecting with swiftness. An opening presents itself as the creature with the broken jaw draws back its sharp stick, ready to lunge at you, leaving its upper body unprotected. It only realized your move when your axe crashed into the side of its skull, eyes frozen in a wide expression of terror as its life was taken.

You try to move your axe to block an incoming hit, only to realize you are moving too slowly for it, your axe stuck in the dead goblin’s mess of a head. You end up lifting the whole corpse with your move but it was already late, the edge of the pointy stick already slashing the surface of the skin on your dominant hand’s biceps, giving you a biting sense of sharp pain, as if your skin was touching a flame. Your fingers lose their grip on your axe and you howl in frustration and anger. The ugly monsters cackle and cheer, their eyes looking hungrier than before. Armed only with a dagger in your off-hand you try to make the best use out of kicks and quick lunges with the short blade but you start feeling more desperate than bloodthirsty, seeing your favorite weapon taken from your reach and the remaining creatures becoming bolder with their attacks.

It took only a few more moment of struggle before a club blow to your wrist deprived you of your knife. You try to wrestle but even with their puny size, three creatures are enough to force you to the ground, biting your knees and striking your back. They jump on top of you and despite your best efforts they manage to pin down your flailing limbs. The one with the sliced cheek is sitting on your chest, the blood running from its face not enough to discourage it from savoring its victory. It smiles from ear to almost-ear as it looks in your wrathful eyes, the stench of its breath hitting your nose as it starts to speak:

“Human stupid. We only take humanses food. Now human hurts us, kills Bog-Bog. Now we hurts human too” it says with malice in its voice.

“Choke on your blood and die” you snap back. Your face is sweaty and bright red with anger, but your remark sounded less confident than you expected. Despite your struggle the goblins have a firm hold on you and your body is hurting from a dozen different cuts and bruises.

The goblin on top of you licks its lips and presses down its fingers on your more serious wound, making your body shake violently and your teeth clench. A growl escapes your lips as you feel a sharp burning sensation travel from your injured biceps to your head. The goblins chuckle in malevolent joy as they watch you suffer.

“I will chop of your heads and squash your brains the moment I’m up, you filthy bastards”, you say through gritted teeth. You have been through pain before and you are not going to let these filthy weaklings enjoy this, no matter how much this hurts.

The goblins lose their jubilant smiles for a moment, casting a quick glance at the remains of their lifeless comrade. The one above you pulls back its fingers for a moment and looks at your glowering face without blinking. It stays silent for a while, looking lost in thought, before a sardonic smile appears again on its face. It takes a better look at your naked breasts as they move with every breath you take, you skin shining with cold water and hot sweat, your defiant but beautiful face, crowned by the long locks of wet hair on the grass around it. You feel something pressing on your stomach and before you have enough time to figure its origin, you see the head of the creature’s phallus grow beyond the flimsy rags that covered it, coming to rest between your breasts. It has a darker shade of green than the rest of the goblin’s skin and its surface looks lumpy, uglier than what you’d have guessed but also surprisingly large for a creature of this size, not much smaller than an average human male member.

“If human wants scares us, we know how show human who’s boss” it says looking at you with a different kind of hunger.

The other goblins understand his intentions quickly and you are filled with horror and revulsion as you see them cast the rags they wear to the ground, showing you their green cocks growing bigger and harder. You stop struggling to get up and feel like if ice was rising up your spine. You were not ready for this.

D&D: HFF: Try desperately to shake them off

D&D: HFF: Try to beg or bargain

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