D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 3rd day: Skip the day

From Create Your Own Story

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: skip the day

On the 4th day, your routine is bothered by another ship. They look like merchant as well heading to Waterdeep. As the ship approaches, Carlig summons you to his side :"What is it ?" you ask.

"Hrm. I think I know who's ship this is. A fellow merchant from Tethyr." he begins.

"oh. that's good right ?" you ask.

"Actually, this might be perfect. He might have some goods I'd like to acquire. I was wondering if you'd help me... seal the deal?" he ask with an obvious grin.

You blushes a little :"Seal the deal ?" you ask shyly.

His hand slides down your hips :"Yes. Elves are a rare commodities in Tethyr."

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: Accept to be used as currency

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 4th day: Tell him you'd rather not get involved

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