D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: Carlig has a task for you during the day

From Create Your Own Story

"If the quartermaster has nothing to offer you... I could always find how you can make yourself of use..." he says with a grin.

You catch his drift and smile. You look up at the quartermaster who just shrugs and smiles

"Well... go right ahead. I'm sure I'll have something for you when you get back."

You chuckle and look at Carlig who grins back. :"Well then.. Follow me ambassador."

You trail him and the two of you go down and head towards:

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: Carlig's study

D&D: FEW Sailing to Calimshan: 2nd day: A secluded storage room

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