Continue taking his classes and pull away from his touches

From Create Your Own Story

Status: Annoyed, Fully Clothed, Virgin

Reputation: A Good Young Girl

Family's View of You: A Devout Daughter

Mr. Droford's Classroom

Over the next few weeks you continue to attend Mr. Droford's lessons and you pull away from any his touches to your back or arm, giving the clear signal that you are uncomfortable with being touched like that. Mr. Droford has not tried to touch you anywhere inappropriate and he stops touching your back or arm as you continue to pull away. He still frequently touches some of the other students even though he has stopped doing that with you.

You have been making good progress in the lessons and Mr. Droford has given you an average report back to your parents in regards to your progress. They are pleased that you have been taking additional lessons, but you haven't really done well enough to really impress them. You are pretty sure that you deserved a better report from Mr. Droford.

What do you do next?

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