Chase after the shark and fuck it

From Create Your Own Story

Carpe diem, right? Whatever sort of creature you've become, you're horny all the time. Why not get some shark pussy while you can?

The shark has slowed down enough to chew up the coed that you catch up to it quickly. You can see it's a female by its large size and its absence of claspers at the base of its anal fin.

The thought of feeling the shark's walls has engorged your clitdick to about a foot in length and several inches wide. You swim up swiftly behind the shark, aiming for its vagina. A direct hit! Your clitdick slips in effortlessly and deeply - the shark's pussy feels warm and sleek and deep and the ecstasy of fucking the ocean's greatest predator causes you to cum immediately, pumping a gallon of your semen up into its womb.

Unfortunately that "ocean's greatest predator" part is very deserved and the shark reacts quickly to being raped. It whips around, withdrawing you from its canal as it opens its maw and bites down on your midsection. You're now in the shark's mouth with your leg tentacles flailing wildly on the outside! Its sharp teeth have not yet punctured your rubbery body, but this definitely is not good! How do you get out of this one?

Health Horny and Hormonal, fully transformed hermaphrodite octopus creature Location:

Open Water

MP 0
Level 1
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