Charlotte:have a shower and pick anyone from the street

From Create Your Own Story

The sun is setting on the Monroeville University campus. The small student community is preparing for their nocturnal Saturday activities. Some of them seem already heavily stoned or drunk, most of them will be in a couple of hours. Your body greats the remaining heat of the day. You grin, you’re going to enjoy the next one hundred twenty years of your life.

Your childhood friend, Celia, is talking to a group of common friends not far from the doors of your residence. They seem absorbed in tedious conversation about the influence of the French Situationists in the 1968 student movement. You could bring the group to the little party your mistress is having tonight..

But the student community is filled with gorgeous bodies full of life and blood.

The last classes of the week are about to start, a couple of exchange students from… somewhere in Asia are trying to find their classes, maybe you could offer them an interesting alternative to tedious classes on English language…

A couple of black guys are playing basketball on the field . Those nice dark bodies and shiny muscles would add really nice tones to your mistress’ tonight festivities.

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