CYS-FJ2: Head inside

From Create Your Own Story

Nick survived three tours in some of the most dangerous war zones on the planet, he wasn't gonna let a minor explosion stop him from doing his job. Nick radioed Victor as he slowly walked down the hall "Eagle 1, this is Eagle 7. Vic, some scientist's claiming there was a reaction or something with the machine. I'm gonna check it, and get any other survivors out." The radio was silent for three seconds before Victor responded "Copy that Eagle 7. Good luck"

The first person Nick saw was an engineer pinned under rubble. The man was crying for help, the wall to his right had collapsed on his legs. He practically sobbed with joy when he saw Nick. "Thank god, please you gotta help me!!"Nick sighed as he leaned his gun against the wall and got down. As he lifted the rubble, his eyes monitored the hall. It was silent save for the two of them, and the crackle of fire. The alarm was also silent, though the flashing red lights still illuminated the building. When Nick finally got the man out, he asked him about the silence as he helped him up "It seem quiet to you? Where's everyone else?" The engineer leaned against the wall, trying to brush the dust and dirt off him "I don't know, I heard screaming from back there earlier, but it went quiet. No one has gone out as far as i'm aware. Thank you so much, you saved my life" Nick waved aside the gratitude as he slowly picked up his gun, staring at the empty hall. He pat the man on the shoulder, pushing him back to the exit "Get out of here" The man just nodded before sprinting away.

As Nick slowly walked down the hall, his gut was screaming at him GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE and he was in half agreement with it. He turned the corner, and a red mist seemed to roll around at ankle level. It had a faint scent of roses, but Nick doubted he wanted to bend down and give it a sniff. As he inspected the gas, he heard a wet thunk from one of the side rooms. He waited in silence, and heard it again, like raw meat being slapped against a wall. He approached the door, which was slightly open. He pushed the door, and as it swung open, he was greeted by a grisly sight. The room was a wreck, though it appeared to have been an area to watch the new machine. The carpet was torn and stained, the comfortable chairs flipped and smashed, the vending machine on its side, and the table in pieces. The glass window into a large room was shattered, and the red fog poured in like water from an overflowing cup. But what grabbed Nicks attention was the corpses. Two looked to have been killed by the blast, their bodies ripped to shred by shattered glass and debris, but the five others looked like they tore each other apart. The noise, however, came from a 'survivor'. A woman in a tattered suit, her skin covered in scratch and bite marks, sat on a mans chest, and was slamming his head down on the debris littering the ground. Her thumbs were in his eye sockets, and her nails dug into his flesh. However long she had been at it, his head looked like jelly, skull and brains splattered on the floor. As Nick raised his gun, he slowly approached her, only to hear her giggling like a school girl. Nick thought about asking her if she was alright, but when he stepped on some broken glass, she whipped her head around. her skin had a yellow tinge, and her veins looked like dark vines snaking through her skin. Her eyes were bloodshot, and tears of blood seem to slowly slide down her cheeks to her chin, before dripping onto the floor. A wide, unnatural smile split her face, and she spoke to him with a calm and cheery voice "do you want to play with me and my friend?" At that, she started to stand up, but Nick had watched enough horror movies, and seen crazy fucks on the field, to know what to do. He raised his gun, and blew her head just about clean off. Her body dropped to the floor, twitching as blood pumped out from her neck. Nick sighed and lowered his gun as he inspected the carnage all around him. Welp, this has got to be the worst shit I ever saw He paused, remembering fighting insurgents in the jungles, The second to worst shit. He was interrupted from his thoughts has he heard cackling from behind him. He spun around, and brought his gun up. Two of the 'corpses' had gotten up, both looking at him with almost dead eyes. One lunged at him, laughing like a maniac, while the other circled them. Nick fired a shot at the first bastard, blowing off his arm at the elbow. The man spun, stumbling back as he looked at his missing arm. He stared at it for a second, before beginning to laugh again. He looked at Nick as if it was just a joke, before lunging again. Before Nick could fire his gun again, the man collided with him, knocking both of them down to the floor. The gun slid away from Nick as he pushed the man off him. The attacker tried to bite him, his teeth gnashing as blood and drool spilled onto Nicks face. Nick cursed as he grabbed the mans head with one hand, and slammed it against the wall. This stunned the man, giving Nick enough time to pull out his knife and plunged it into the mans throat. The man gagged, his life blood pouring out as Nick twisted the blade before pulling it free. he then kicked the body onto the ground, where it convulsed. The second attacker then jumped on his back, and the both fell onto wall. the man on his back tried to talk to Nick in a soothing voice "shush, just sleep. Just sleep like a good boy" Nick grunted in response before grabbing the man and flipping him onto the ground. Before Nick could regain his composure, the bastard had jumped back up and tried to tackle him, ramming his shoulder into Nicks stomach. Nick stabbed down multiple times, before the attacker finally fell to the ground, though he twisted and pulled the knife from Nicks hand. More noise drew Nicks attention to the broken window, where another crazy person climbed in, dressed as a scientist. Nick just pulled out his side arm and shot the man in the chest three times, sending the body falling back through the window. By now, Nick had had enough and decided top get the hell out of there. He stood up and and ran, leaving his shot gun. As he sprinted down the hall, the red fog seemed to get stronger, more of it filling the halls. He felt weird, a little light headed, as he ran, the smell of roses overpowering his senses. As he got closer to the door, He began to notice the sound of screams and laughter from behind him, causing him to run faster. He was so close to the exit, the doors were closed but he prayed they were unlocked. He slammed into one, and it gave out, and he fell outside.

The scene had changed drastically, With most of the vehicles gone. The area was completely empty, but he noticed a puddle of blood and what looked suspiciously like a severed arm not gen feet away from him. He jumped up and began running to the closest vehicle, a military jeep. As he got closer he saw Vic and three other security forces getting in. When they saw Nick sprinting at them, they all raised their rifles at him, but stopped when they recognized him. Vic smiled, but it quickly disappeared, replaced with a scowl "what the fuck is going on Nick?!" Nick tried to catch his breath, talking in between gasps for air "Crazy fuckers... explosion.. gas... we got to... get the fuck out of here" One of the other guards agreed "damn straight, lets go Vic, we got to go" Vic just nodded as he turned and got into the jeeps passenger side "we got as many as we could out, the rest are on their own. Get in the back." Nick and the other three got in the back, as Vic and a fourth guard started to drive. The red fog now poured out of the building, rolling down hill and towards them. As the jeep began to go forward, Nick noticed multiple figures racing from the building, sprinting toward their car. The other guard yelled for them to drive faster, before firing his rifle at the figures. Each shot sent a figure sprawling, but it seemed half the people inside had lost their damn minds. But Nick didn't notice. He was staring at the other guards. One of them gave him a funny look "say Nick, you ok? you don't look to good" Nick didn't respond, causing both guards to look at him. Both were unaware of the struggle in his mind, as multiple voices vied for his attention. He blinked multiple times as the guards seem to morph. One moment they were Jihadists, next the were insurgents, then they were Chinese infantry. He slowly gripped his gun, staring at these enemy soldiers. He wandered where he was, or how they had captured him, but the damn commie bastards had left him his gun. He was gonna make sure they didn't get to regret that mistake.

Vic heard two gunshots from the back, and felt something fall out of the vehicle. he looked out the window, only to see Nick running away into the forest. Behind him, the facility had disappeared behind the mountain, though a faint red glow and plumes of smoke reminded him of what happened. He turned to the driver, but before he could say anything, an explosion roared through the air. The blast flipped the vehicle, killing the driver. As Vic crawled out of the crash, he watched in horror as the fog seemed to cling in the air, slowly dissipating. It was now up to his waist, like a red sea, and all he could smell is roses. Laughter seemed to cackle from all around him, and he searched for his rifle frantically. It was to no avail, and he stood back up to see a dozen figures race to him.

A mushroom cloud rose from behind him, and the fog raced toward the small city below


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