Buy a whole half-dozen cotton candies

From Create Your Own Story

"Actually, you need plenty more cotton candy before you're full. I mean, your tummy isn't even bulging, so how can you expect Candi to take notice?"

"But won't you tell her?" the woman asks.

"Well, I could. But wouldn't it be nicer if you looked positively pregnant with cotton candy? Then Candi couldn't possibly miss you!"

"I guess you have a point. Okay, let's get me stuffed to the brim with cotton candy. Try not to get it on my sweater, though," she adds sharply.

"I'll do my best, but I'm afraid it's an awful lot of cotton candy. Hopefully you won't be too upset with just a few small wads clinging to your fancy sweater."

"I'll be plenty upset, thank you! Just focus on getting it inside me and not on my sweater!"

You start working, pushing wad after wad of the pink, sticky stuff inside her, making sure to knead her pussy lips frequently to keep up her lubrication.

But inevitably, some wads will wander away of their own. Most of them you catch on her ass and thighs, and can quickly smear in place. But first one and then another blows across her belly, and you barely manage to swat them into her skin before they reach the sweater.

"Careful!" She quickly lifts her sweater above her belly button.

"Good thinking, Lady. I really think it's a good idea for you to be prepared to lift your sweater out of harm's way like that. Just don't let it fall back in place, now that your belly is all sticky and gooey."

You demonstrate by smearing a large wad of cotton candy into her belly button, forcing her to lift her sweater even higher.

Soon, you're out of cotton candy. But the babe still looks nothing like a pregnant woman.

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Health Horny Location:

The Snack Tent

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Level 4
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