Bust a nut and run back to your box before they arrive

From Create Your Own Story

You turn around and scream like a little lady while trying to get back to the safety of your box as quick as you can. While running you look off the side of the ship and notice a somewhat smaller ship with much more artillery than the one you have making its way to your ship. In that instant you start to run even faster than before when you run into the Yurritan alien who stood looking at you with a bloody beak.."Im going to break your monkey legs and then stab you till ya die kid.." On his way over to you while backing up what seemed like a large arrow went right through the side of the bird man and into the side of the ship, it was attached to a long metal rope that was connected to the bearded mans ship. In an instant the whole side of the ship was immpaled with at least another 20 of these arrows, followed by that a large number of crewmates ended up on your side of the ship and began shooting weapons and throwing bottles of fire at the other ship..You turn to look and see what might be happening on the other ship as well and at that instant there was a bottle filled with liquid bursting fire out of the top that smashes you right in the face engulfing you in fire and killing you right then..


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